Tuesday, August 17, 2010

I didn't know blogs could get cobwebs!

Eight months since my last blog. I would say that I've been slacking, but that's a massive understatement. It would be more accurate to say that I've been nothinging, even though that isn't a word. I'm not going to lie and say that I've been busy; I have been busy, but not just busy. Life seems to have gotten in the way of itself in this case. That's right, I've been too busy living to live. Don't try to figure it out, you'll just go cross-eyed.

I suppose I should devote this blog to the update, since so many things have happened in the last eight months. First of all, I am no longer a meter reader. Let me say without shame that I was fired. Yes, I was fired; I was not laid off, I did not quit. I sat in a small room with two of my bosses and was told not to come back the next morning, or any other morning. It was devastating. I have never been fired from a job before, and though I can admit that I was thinking that it was time to move on and start looking for a new place to work, I was hoping that I could be the one making that choice.

Being fired feels exactly like being dumped. I still feel a pang of remorse when I get my energy bill and see that logo on the envelope... It's almost like running into your ex at Target and thinking, Aw man, we're not together anymore. I'm really guessing here, because I never run into my ex anywhere. But still, I imagine the sentiment is the same. I won't go into the specifics of why I was fired, I will only say that I didn't do anything wrong, I just sucked at the job. Just a little. I could walk fast and battle any dog, and I wasn't afraid of any kind of weather (though I did whine a lot when it got very cold, very wet, or very windy, especially when all three conditions were present at the same time), but I just couldn't get it completely right. I was also beginning to physically fall apart from all that walking (average of twelve miles a day) and had problems with arthritis in my knee and pain in my back. So, even though the firing was a shock, it was almost mutual.

Since the break-up, life has become inexplicably busier. I have been writing scripts, drinking coffee, editing manuscripts, sweeping the hardwood floors, potty-training a two-year-old, preparing a five-year-old for Kindergarten, nursing concussions (my own), singing karaoke, modeling (technically), learning about photography, surviving family reunions, floating on the river, camping, fishing (and actually catching fish!), catching up with old friends, turning thirty-one, making new friends, losing weight, gaining weight, losing weight again, obsessing over new music, hitting a car full of teenagers, and not blogging about any of it. Sorry about that last part, by the way.

About the car full of teenagers... This is my latest piece of drama, something that happened just a few days ago. Short version: The girl ran a flashing red light and put her car directly in front of mine. I didn't want to, but I had to hit her. Physics made me do it. She was cited for the accident, her dad showed up and said he's going to take me to court over the entire thing, and now I'm just waiting for my car to get fixed. I have decided that car drama is the worst kind of drama, ever. I much prefer Oh-no-she-did-NOT-just-say-that-about-me-what-a-backstabber drama over car drama. At least you can still drive away when there's any other kind of drama, and girl-drama is one hell of a lot cheaper.

So, that's my update for now. I'm not going to pretend that my life is so intriguing that my four or five readers want to read about every single detail, but I will be a little more specific next time. Or, I might blog about something completely vague and random. I don't know. But I do know that this whole blogging thing will happen again. So stay tuned, and thanks for sticking around after all the nothinging!